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Immunotherapy-related pneumonitis
1Department of Pulmonology, İzmir Bozyaka Training and Research Hospital, Izmir, Türkiye
2Department of Pulmonology, Giresun Dr. Ali Menekşe Chest Disease Hospital, Giresun, Türkiye
3Department of Pulmonology, Gesundheit Nord Bremen Hospital Group, Klinium Bremen Ost, Bremen, Germany
4Department of Pulmonology, Ankara Atatürk Sanatorium Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Türkiye
Eurasian Journal of Pulmonology - DOI: 10.14744/ejp.2024.5005
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Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are used more frequently in the field of cancer treatment. Immune checkpoint inhibitor-related pneumonitis (ICI-P) is one of the immune-related adverse effects (irAE) and the leading cause of mortality and morbidity defined as focal or diffuse inflammation of lung parenchyma. Even if it is possible to have ICI-P in patients with malign melanoma, renal cell cancer, lymphoma lung cancer is more susceptible to developing ICI-P. This rare side effect can be fatal.
Dyspnoea and cough are the most frequent symptoms. Organizing pneumonia is the most common radiological pattern however diffuse alveolar damage is more severe and life-threatening. Combined ICI blockade appears to further improve clinical outcomes compared with monotherapies, but the incidence of pneumonitis is increased with the combined use of agents.
The mainstay of ICI-P treatment is corticosteroids; however, steroid-resistant cases may lead clinicians to alternative therapies. Early recognition and treatment are essential to prevent the progression of serious events. In this review, the diagnosis and treatment strategies of ICI-P are analyzed in detail.